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Winthorst, Michael Allen       Back

Born: 1963 in Jefferson City, United States (Missouri)
Gender: male

Personal homepage:  not available

I can only trace my lineage back to my Great, Great Grandfather Wilhelm Windhorst, He married a Charlotte(Sharlotta)Mestemacher. Her first husband had passed away. I believe her maiden name was Meyer and she was born in Hanover. My Great Grandfather William Henry was born on Nov 8, 1871. It indicates on his death certificate that he was born in Price, Minnesota and moved to Missouri when he was around 25 years old. He died in Jan. 1949. I would like to find the connection to my ancestors that came over here, when, where and how. I know there are several Windhorsts' in Minnesota and believe there is some connection there but can't find it.

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